quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

Weathering and Polymer Degradation: Review Article
Editora: Lnec
ISBN: 9789724922423
Data Edição: 2012
Páginas: 132

Sinopse: The main purpose of this Paper is to present a state of the art about weathering
and polymer degradation. This review was presented during a training course
promoted by the 5th European Weathering Symposium EWS (XXVIIth Colloquium
of Danubian Countries on Natural and Artificial Ageing of Polymers), which was
held in Lisbon on September 21 - 23, 2011, organised on behalf of CEEES
(Confederation of European Environmental Engineering Societies) by the German
Management Society for Environmental Engineering GUS (Gesellschaft für
Umweltsimulation e.V.) and supported by SOPSAR (Sociedade Portuguesa de
Simulação Ambiental e de Avaliação de Riscos), APIP (Associação Portuguesa da
Indústria de Plásticos) and LNEC (Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil).
The main topics of this review are the weathering of polymers and composites, the
determination, simulation and effects of relevant climatic quantities, innovative
polymer additives, new test procedures and devices, instrumental methods of
analysis to evaluate polymer degradation, recent developments in polymeric
materials and composites designed for outdoor applications and methods for
service-life prediction.

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